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  • rejigthecrib

"It's the Edit!" WEEK 2

Week 1 Reflection:

Well this week has been quick and dirty! There was alot of dust and there's a heap of a mess in my garage. It's the part of a reno project that is messy and disheveled. To be honest, I've enjoyed it so much.

The garage has been cleaned (kinda🥴), plumbing prep has started, and some fixtures were picked out (Matte Black). My husband wanted a rain shower head so we are going with we one that has "both" options, because let's be honest.... Black Girls don't need water on their head daily.. okay😂 😜.

I feel as though I have an eye for design, but what I have found is that I struggle with editing. My dial is turned wayyyyy up, if you know what I mean! I teamed up with a dear friend of mine Danielle, who is an Interior Designer, for some feedback! (Note...we met on IG 🤗) Just having her there helped me turned down my dial on this project to the perfect tone. Just when you thought social media was so superficial a friendship blossomed 🌻 and all is well in the world again. With our creative minds combined.... BOOM, my mood board was born! 🤗

When I say, I'm excited about this vibe, it's an understatement! I'm thrilled with the vibe and just know yall are going to love it!😍 I learned so much about editing this past week and I have my new friend to thank! Check out her blog too as she does her One Room Challenge!

What's New for Week 2:

This week plumbing should be finished, cement poured, and we begin to see some walls. I'll be finalizing my design for the room. Let me explain my mood board a bit.

I will be working on a board and batten wall for the bottom part of the wall and a wall paper for the top part. There will be a walk in shower with a feature penny wall center. Something similar to this.. just not blue...

I have finally admitted to myself that I love the color blue, so there will be some shade of blue on the wall. I just have to finalized what shade of blue this week. Acknowledgement is the first step right?! 💙

I'll be looking for light fixtures and gathering supplies for my DIY part. I hope you are enjoying this process, as I am.

Now let's change this....

To this...

What do you think so far? What's your favorite part? Comment below:

Check out the other participants process on the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE

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